Privacy Policy

Monkeysteps.in Privacy Notice

Monkeysteps.in values your trust, and we understand the importance of safeguarding your information. This Privacy Notice outlines our commitment to handling your data carefully and sensibly. By visiting Monkeysteps.in, you acknowledge and consent to the practices described in this Privacy Notice.

Personal Information Gathering: Monkeysteps.in collects information from customers to enhance and personalize their shopping experience. We utilize this information to process orders, deliver products, handle payments, and communicate with you about orders, products, services, and promotional offers. Your data also assists us in updating records, improving our platform, and recommending merchandise and services based on your preferences.

Types of Information We Collect:

  1. Information You Give Us: Provided when you interact with our website.
  2. Automatic Information: Collected when you interact with Monkeysteps.in, using technologies like "cookies."
  3. E-mail Communications: We may receive confirmations when you open emails from Monkeysteps.in.
  4. Information from Other Sources: Data obtained from third-party sources may be added to our account information.

By using our site, you agree to the collection, storage, processing, and sharing of information with third parties, as outlined in this Privacy Notice.

Cookies: Cookies are used to enhance your browsing experience. You can manage cookie preferences through your browser settings, but disabling them may limit certain features on Monkeysteps.in.

Sharing of Information: We do not sell customer information. Information may be shared with:

  • Third-Party Service Providers: For functions such as order fulfillment, data analysis, and customer service.
  • Protection of Monkeysteps.in and Others: When required to comply with the law, enforce agreements, or protect rights, property, or safety.
  • With Your Consent: Notice will be provided, and you will have the option to withhold information.

Security Measures: Monkeysteps.in employs SSL encryption for data transmission and adheres to international security standards (IS/ISO/IEC 27001).Physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards are maintained for the collection, storage, and disclosure of personal information.

Access to Information: Monkeysteps.in provides access to a range of information about your account and interactions for viewing and, in certain cases, updating.

Choices and Preferences: You can choose not to provide information, manage email preferences, and control cookie settings. It's essential to sign off shared computers.

Children's Use of Monkeysteps.in: Use is restricted to individuals legally capable of forming a contract under the Indian Contract Act, 1872. Minors under 18 years can use Monkeysteps.in with parental or guardian involvement.

Notices and Revisions: Our business evolves, and so does our Privacy Notice. It's recommended to check our website frequently for updates. We stand by our commitments and won't significantly change policies without customer consent.

Examples of Information Collected:

  • Information You Give Us: Provided during searches, purchases, communications, etc.
  • Automatic Information: Collected during interactions, including IP addresses and browsing history.
  • Information from Other Sources: Data obtained from third parties may be added to our records.

Grievance Officer: For any grievances, you can call us at 09919797555 or leave a message, and we will respond within two working days.

Thank you for choosing Monkeysteps.in as your trusted source for quality footwear.

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