Safe Secure Shopping


Safe Online Shopping

Security is our top priority at Monkeysteps.in, and we are committed to ensuring a safe transaction process and securing your personal information.

Do Not Share Personal Information: Monkeysteps.in will never request your password, credit card or bank-account number, or any other personal information via email or phone. If you receive such a request, disregard it and report the incident to Monkeysteps.in for investigation.

Always Pay Online on Monkeysteps.in: Monkeysteps.in Marketplace is a secure and authorized payment method. It provides a convenient and guaranteed payment process and is the only recognized form of payment on Monkeysteps.in.

Identify False (Spoof or Phishing) E-mails: Beware of emails requesting personal information or directing you to sites other than Monkeysteps.in. Report any suspicious emails to info.monkeysteps@gmail.com.

Choose a Strong Password:

  • Use a unique password for Monkeysteps.in.
  • Use at least 8 characters, including numbers or special characters for added security.
  • Avoid easily guessable passwords and personal information.
  • Remember that passwords are case sensitive.
  • Keep passwords private and avoid using the same password for multiple accounts.

Protect Your Passwords:

  • Keep passwords private to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Avoid using the same password across multiple accounts.
  • Log out from public computers after each session.
  • Change passwords periodically.

Protect Your System:

  • Install reputable anti-virus or anti-malware software and run regular scans.
  • Keep your computer's software up-to-date through regular updates.
  • Change passwords immediately if entered on a malicious website.
  • If credit card information is compromised, contact your credit card company immediately.
  • Never reply to unsolicited messages; report phishing and spam to info.monkeysteps@gmail.com.

For further assistance, please contact us at info.monkeysteps@gmail.com. Thank you for choosing Monkeysteps.in for your safe and secure online shopping experience.